Purple Sky
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Maliane - Human Holy/Shadow Priest

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Maliane - Human Holy/Shadow Priest Empty Maliane - Human Holy/Shadow Priest

Post  BMPyro Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:38 am

Real Life Age: 18

Character Name: Maliane
Class: Priest
Holy - 17 / 54 / 0
Shadow - 17 / 0 / 54

I really don't want to list it all, but I have about 2450 Spellpower, and I always log off in my healing gear.

What are 2 primary professions of your character:
Profession: Tailoring
Level: 445
Profession: Enchanting
Level: 450

What secondary professions do you have, and what level they are (Cooking/Fishing/First Aid):
Cooking: 240-ish
Fishing: 430
First Aid: 150 (Priest. 'nuff said.)

Please state what factions you are exalted with:
Ebon Blade, Argent Crusade, Kirin'tor, Wyrmrest, Alliance Vanguard

Do you have any alts?
Yes, I have a -lot-, so I'd rather not list them all. I'm pretty inactive on them.

If you do, list their level(s)/class(es)/spec(s):

Raiding experience.
Please state what raiding experience you have (WotLK, TBC, pre-TBC):
In order:
- MC
- Karahzan
- Naxx10
- Naxx25
- Ulduar 10 (Somewhat..)

What raiding communities have you been in and why you left:
- Valthonis (TBC) - IRL reasons.
- The Argent Aegis (Left just now) - Drama. Drama. Drama. DRAMA. Blergh.

Are you a member of a guild and or any other RC?
- Guild? Not anymore.
- RC? Applied to Valthonis, but I probably won't make the cut.

Do you have Ventrilo or able to install it?
I have, and I use it regularly.

Do you have DBM, BigWigs or any other workable Bossmods addon installed?

Where did you hear about Purple Sky?
I just did an Ulduar10 "PuG" with Purple Sky, and I really enjoyed my time with them. So did Moaldi, so we decided we both apply. (He hasn't posted his app yet)

Do you know anyone in Purple Sky?
Testaros. He was a previous guildie of mine, and the people I've been with in Ulduar just now.

Did anyone recommend you to Purple Sky?
The same run.

's all.

Maliane, out.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-06-19

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