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govinda holy priest application

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govinda holy priest application Empty govinda holy priest application

Post  govinda Mon May 11, 2009 2:27 am

Application Template

Post Zaergo on Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:33 pm
Application Template:

Character Name:- govinda

Real life Age: - 18

Class:- priest

Spec: - holy

Gear: - sorry i need to be fair straight away my gear just SUCK BALLS!

Alt’s: - lot's of them

Raiding experience post and pre TBC: Till second boss in sunwell pre nerf

What are your 2 main skills and there levels as well as the 3 below
tailoring around 380 just took enchanting so its now 280 had herbs before
Cooking? -
Bandaging? training it atom

Factions: - the TBC faction pretty almost everything

What Raiding communities have you been in: - I come from a other server i raided there till second boss in SWP.. After the 30% nerf patch i quited playing because i whas a officer in that community and it felt apart because of many reasons! So i'm a really experienced priest tbh!

Are you a member of a guild and or any other RC? Lifelines some friends are in it you can see it as a meeting point guild! To have a chat and some fun nothing more!

Where did you hear about Purple Sky? I spoked with evertje i saw his recruit message in the trade channel!

Do you know anyone in Purple Sky? Just spoke some words with evertje

Did anyone recommend you to Purple Sky? Nope sorry!

Addons Required to Raid: Pfff please dont let me write all hehe!
Ventrilo: yes i have that even a own server so when needed yell hehe!
DBM or BigWigs: DBM in wotlk for some reason!

I will fill in a little bit more about myself!

As i sad i transferred too AD after my break! I stopped playing because the community felt apart after 30% nerf patch in TBC! I whas a officer in a hardcore raiding comm and have learned there to many things i started leveling 5 days ago i think too 80!
Now i'm almost 80 yes i'm sirious not even 80 Razz (and i dare too make an application)
But as i told i'm exp and active again. So i hope you can think about it and not just say oh no a other lowbie i think i can be a reall upgrade in the raiding forces in 3 weeks i will be a lot better geared then i'm now! well thanks for reading this and hope too hear something soon!

Groeten govi!

Nice everything is in dutch Smile like too see that!


Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-05-11

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